Dear Friends, Sunday, December 17th, 1995
Pete and Katie were married on March 25th followed by a week in Hawaii. We visited Pete’s mother’s carving at the City of Refuge on Hawaii, took a helicopter tour of Volcano National Park and went “wave running” off Kailua Kona. Maui was more swimming, snorkeling and generally relaxing. Of course, a stop at the Hard Rock cafe was made to get T-shirts for the kids.
This year continues to be a year of change. So far Pete’s job with Metricom is holding in, but with a year to year contract with Southern California Edison, who knows (the 1996 contract isn’t signed or funded yet). Katie continues her substitute teaching assignments with endless variety of classes. One day she has a 1st grade, the next day she is teaching band at the High School.
Pete, Katie, Kevin (15) and Karen (12) - Katie’s children are living in Hacienda heights just North of Whittier. It is a fifteen mile commute for Pete, but with Los Angeles traffic can take up to forty-five minutes. Pete and Katie play tennis at least once a week and soak in the spa (or even the pool, if it is warm enough).
In September the four of us took a week long cruise in the Caribbean. Stops included Haiti, Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Mexico. We did lots of swimming and snorkeling as well as shopping while in port. Shipboard entertainment (besides endless food and pictures and getting lost) included a concert by The Captain and Tenille. A trip highlight was feeding squid to the dozens of sting rays that inhabit a sandbar at Grand Cayman. Once Karen stopped screaming that they were going to eat her, she even had fun too.
Karen is a 7th grader at Newton Junior High. She is a cheerleader and we are treated to all sorts of claps, stomps, and jumps around the house. She also is in confirmation class at St. Mark’s Church and has joined National Charity League (sometimes called Tictockers). She just finished appearing in the Junior High’s Christmas show.
Kevin is a sophmore at Los Altos High School. He just made Life status in Boy Scouts and is working on his Eagle rank. He is a member of Key Club, Debate Club, Solar Car Club, CSF and is an honor student.
He’s still active in tennis (hoping to make the school team this year). If any of you drive around here - the only Plymouth Voyager making full stops at the stop signs might be him. He is also active in the youth league at church.
Pete’s daughter, Liberty (19) is attending City College in Santa Barbara. Pete’s daughter, Jennifer (20) continues to pursue her medical career and is presently holding down two jobs, caring for an elderly gentleman at the Val Verde facility and working at a doctor’s office, as well as taking some City College classes. Latest class was for EMT (Emergency Medical Technician), Paramedic preparation. Working for the doctor, she describes all sorts of fun procedures such as giving shots and EEG’s.
We hope you are all having a great holiday season . We will be in Santa Barbara with Katie’s parents and sister’s family from Minneapolis, celebrating her parents’ 50th anniversary and Christmas.
Happy 1996 to everyone....